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(970) 622-7118
  524 N. Cleveland Ave

  Loveland, CO 80537


Joe Stevens


“There's a yearning, freight-train-hopping, propulsive energy to many of their songs that suggests not only an indie-band road tour, but the road to one's true identity, a destination on a map still being written.” 

- Sylvia Sukop, Huffingtion Post

North American singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Joe Stevens is a third-generation professional musician in a long line of restless westward moving souls. He caught the songwriting bug at 15 and has been at it ever since, finding many ways to use the craft to pitch in for the human cause. Originally from Sacramento, California, he received a Bachelor of Music from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, WA, and has been touring and wandering the US for the last ten years. (More)


$ 15.00
Joe Stevens in Concert
Closed Monday
Tues - Thurs: 11am- 7pm

  • Friday: 11am - 6pm
  • Saturday: 11am - 5pm
  • Sunday: Noon to 4pm
  • Willow River Music
  • (970) 622-7118
  • (303) 827-3163
  • 524 N. Cleveland Ave.
    Loveland, CO 80537